Queen recorded a total of seven albums at Mountain Studios, including their final album Made In Heaven - an album that Freddie Mercury would never hear in its finished state.
Mountain Studios, designed and built by the legendary American studio designer Tom Hidley, was a recording destination of some of the biggest names in music: AC/DC, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Chris Rea, The Rolling Stones, Yes, Rick Wakeman, Led Zeppelin, Brian Ferry, Stan Getz and Nina Simone, not to mention the many Montreux Jazz Festival concerts and the Rose d'Or de Montreux television festival galas.
Queen - The Studio Experience is located in the original Mountain Studios, part of the Casino Barrière de Montreux, and charts the band's association with the studios, their personal relationship with the Swiss town, and the albums that were written and recorded there.
The control room has not been changed since the days when Queen worked there. The only thing that has been replaced is the original Neve desk. In its place is a reproduction of the original, which allows the visitors to make their own re-mix of some of Queen's classics.
Queen owned the studio between 1979 and 1993.
Queen enregistre sept albums au Mountain Studios; le dernier en date Made in Heaven que Freddie n'a jamais eu l'occasion d'entendre dans sa version finale.
Construit par le légendaire designer américain Tom Hidley, Mountain Studios devient l'un des lieux d'enregistrement des plus grands noms de la musique: AC/DC, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Chris Rea, The Rolling Stones, Yes, Rick Wakeman, Led Zeppelin, Brian Ferry, Stan Getz and Nina Simone, sans oublier tous les concerts "live" du Montreux Jazz Festival et du Festival de Télévision de la "Rose d'Or de Montreux".
Cette exposition permanente se veut témoin des albums enregistrés par Queen au "Mountain Studios" de Montreux, ville avec laquelle ils entretenaient une relation particulière.
La régie est authentique, celle du tiemps où Queen travaille au studio. La table de mixage "Neve", quant à elle, a été remplacée par une table de mixage moins complexe pour offrir aux visiteurs la possibilité de remixer quelques uns des "tubes" de Queen
Queen est propiétaire du Mountain Studios de 1979 à 1993.

Photography by Richard Gray